
Ivy valentine soul calibur vi
Ivy valentine soul calibur vi

The sword itself may be beyond her reach, she reasoned, but what if she could rob it of its refuge? What if she could destroy the world beyond the rift?Īt some point, Ivy was visited by two mysterious strangers, one of whom wore a mask and spoke not a word during their meeting. Having spent a lifetime studying the cursed sword's cycle of destruction and rebirth, Ivy was convinced that Soul Edge was merely biding its time in another dimension, awaiting the day it could be born again in our world. Others called this victory, but Ivy knew better.

ivy valentine soul calibur vi

Soul Edge, its physical form shattered, disappeared into the rift above. But before she could move on to her true quarry, the sky tore apart. She prevailed, ruthlessly dispatching her father in their final, fateful duel. Ivy had rushed to Ostrheinsburg in order to destroy Soul Edge instead she faced her father, Cervantes.


I'll be happy to be called those names if it is the price I must pay to eliminate the existence of the evil blade!!"Īfter an attack upon her by Cervantes that resulted in the loss of part of her soul, Ivy used a temporary artificial soul to keep herself alive, and continued after the blade seeking to free herself from its evil lineage.Īccording to Cassandra, in the Gauntlet mode, Ivy is a professor who has agreed to help Hilde's father from his ailment. The only thing that mattered was obliterating the evil sword's existence completely. Nothing would stop her from destroying the root of the evil, even if it meant killing the innocent-there would be no exceptions. Ivy intended to destroy every fragment of Soul Edge, anyone who carried its tainted bloodline, and anyone contaminated by its evil. Once she acquired information about fragments of Soul Edge being scattered throughout the world, she immediately departed on her new journey. As a vow to her commitment, she renamed her sword "Valentine". Her goal was no longer to destroy the evil sword, but to completely wipe it out of existence. The same blood." Ivy Blade waited for its master's orders silently.Īfter months of soul searching, Ivy emerged with renewed resolve. Yes, the blood of the evil blade flows through me. She could not, however, bring herself to actually break the sword.

ivy valentine soul calibur vi

She tried countless times to destroy Ivy Blade, which was now a symbol of her self-hatred and regret. Shaken by the horrifying truth, Ivy returned home and locked herself away in a dark laboratory. Ivy's birth father once wielded Soul Edge and was manipulated by its wicked powers! She also learned the secrets of her true lineage. That meant that the beloved blade she had forged to destroy Soul Edge had life thanks to the power of the evil blade. She came to this revelation only after he was defeated and the evil blade was shattered. Ivy realized it was Nightmare who possessed Soul Edge. When she crossed paths with Nightmare, the one who breathed life into her sword, she agreed to assist him in the "summoning of souls." Little did she know that it was all part of the evil sword's plans. The sword, which had a will of its own, accompanied and protected Ivy on her journey to vanquish Soul Edge.

ivy valentine soul calibur vi

She invoked strange powers through occult rituals to summon a mysterious individual who gave life to the whip-like, mechanical sword she dubbed "Ivy Blade." In order to avenge the death her father, who was driven insane by the allure of Soul Edge, Ivy vowed to use all of her knowledge to destroy it.

ivy valentine soul calibur vi

During this investigation, she uncovered the true nature of the sword –it was an evil blade that feasted on souls. Obeying the last wishes of her adoptive father, Ivy continued the search for Soul Edge and studied alchemy. But this did not matter to her, for the Valentines were the only parents she knew. Ivy discovered this secret only after reading a will left behind by the Countess in her death. The Count (sic) and Countess found her abandoned in front of their mansion when she was an infant, and she was taken into the family as an adopted child. In reality, Ivy was not a true Valentine by birth. This left Ivy as the sole surviving member of the Valentine family. As if to pursue her husband into death, the Countess fell ill and passed away soon after Count (sic) Valentine's death.

  • 12 Tower Of Lost Souls Skills & DetailsĮarl Valentine (mistakenly referred to as Count), a practitioner of alchemy, was driven insane by his pursuit for Soul Edge, also known as the "Key to Eternal Youth." By the time of his death, his efforts to search for Soul Edge drained his family's fortunes and left one of London's most distinguished families in ruins.

  • Ivy valentine soul calibur vi